PGA Tour’s 2022 tax filings reveals very shocking determine fluctuations in Jay Monahan’s compensation, authorized charges and earnings.
PGA Tour’s 2022 tax filings reveals very shocking determine fluctuations in Jay Monahan’s compensation, authorized charges and earnings.
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Hey man good show. But…..he probably got promised the money before…. He just totally stinks at his job though that’s the issue 😂
Its all getting very stupid.
I interpret this as a clear sign that he is leaving quite soon. One more big payday for 2023 then he’s off.
Everyone please remember that the PGA runs as a "charity" and pays no taxes. It has thousands apoun thousands of volunteers who make the tournaments work. Then you have this crook walking away with 19 million. I have always known it was bad but no one ever talks about it. Definitely time to remove these criminals from being a tax haven charity. Im so tired of the PGA and their old boys club.
Proves he is sssooi corrupt… probably related to Biden family..learned from them…typical Democrat crook⛳⛳⛳👎👎👎😭😭😭💩💩💩
Isn't the PGA a 501.c "charitible" organization? No leader of a "charitble" org should be making that kind of money.
The real story here is to compare MONAHAN'S earnings with the average PGA Tour member/player. This would indicate any disproportionate salary, plus how much his decisions cost the PGA Tour during his time in office? I'll do some research.
Where’s Rory and Tiger ?
How much does Monahan pay his caddie!
people are getting confused about the fact the PGA is a business who's employees are the players hence the company (PGA) takes the lions share as that's the point of business just funny the hero's (employees) are getting as screwed as we are to their boses just in the millions.
I wish you had that same energy toward Jay that you do with Rahm The PGA is as Rahm once said is the Rory tour. Rory still won’t win shit.
THIS is the the reason so many people support LIV, and the golfers that have gone there. The weak-minded guys who believe everything Jay was spewing out of his lying mouth, if this doesn't wake you up, consider yourselves brain-washed and beyond all hope.
And the way they've treated Greg Norman during this whole debacle is ridiculous. He deserves drastically more respect than he got from all of these venues these past couple of years.
Wish i could find a job, be useless at it and be paid 18 mill
I love golf… however, THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY NON PROFIT ENTITIES…PERIOD. There is NO ENTITY NOT ENGAGED IN ANY ENDEAVOR THAT IS NOT FOR PROFIT. The only question is not whether there are profits, but who gets to keep the profits… and in so called non profit entities he people who run the so called non profit keep ALL the profits.
Monahan doesn't have to make the cut for his payday….
Monahan is worth about $50K, not a dime more. Actually, he should be fired asap.
How many of the players make $18 million in 2023?
Monahan's effort unlike many of the players has been impressively poor.
Fire him!!!!
Alex, you never cease to amaze me. Just curious, what risk did ‘Joseph William Monaghan lV’ take in order to get this fabulous grossly overpaid appointment ?
I’m sure if you go through his history, Belmont et al, you’ll discover that young Jay, the fourth has had a silver spoon firmly wedged in his throat since birth. But now we’re going to suggest that he has earned his way to the top just like every golfer on tour who, many were given nothing, and put it on the line, lived in suitcases and vans etc…
Wake up Alex! You need to stop kissing the PGA’s A**. You’re losing credibility with your PGA tour buddies because they understand hardship(many actually lived it) and I’m starting to question whether you might very well have come from Belmont yourself.?
Seriously? Jay has earned nothing and that’s why he was never the right man for this job. He has no experience with hardship and adversity and frankly he’s a joke and that’s why he had to take a little mental health break because when things got hard he caved.
But I’m sure his $18 million will help him through the tough times!
Not bad for a charity 😢
I would like to know how much Monahan received from the Saudi PIF (under the table) to sell out the PGA to LIV!!!!! HE should be wearing a rag on his head!!!!