Sources say that the UNLV gunman utilized to work on the faculty in 2020, former President Trump is ready to testify within the civil fraud …
Sources say that the UNLV gunman utilized to work on the faculty in 2020, former President Trump is ready to testify within the civil fraud …
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They will not do first place honorable mention in sporting events and it wrong to do. This athlete is a male to female athlete their is a physical advantage. The reason why they are doing this is to make people angry at trans athlete and have them banned period. This is not a fair competition and it and insult to both group to keep it as it is. I am angry that everything is political and the spirit of competition is lost because of it.
Unless her life is at risk, she should carry full term and let the baby live in presumption to play God. If I was that Judge I'd stand my ground and not have that baby's blood on my hands based on an assumption. Somebody sho is in a hurry !๐
Thumbs down for them promoting Biden
Hello Hallie,.
I literally CANNOT listen to NBC news because of the annoying ping that I need to hear every 5 seconds. How do they come to the conclusion that the listeners would enjoy that awful sound?
I say Israel is the first anti-christian movement on the planet so watch your back if u have Jesus in your heart.
but anyways
you have to watch Firstpost with Palki Sharma. she laid out. that Israel had shorted over 100 million shares of defense stocks on the 2th and bam on the 7th the defense network system for the whole country failed for the whole day. then defense stock prices went down. next options were exercised and a new war for the holy land has started.
very strange . but now Israel and Benjamin Yahoo look like saint once again…
so watch your back . when something is too good to be true… it just might be…
The reason for the public transport crisis is well documented in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. ๐
U S murdered 5 to 20 Million North Korean. +3 million SO. KOREANS , 35 YEARS slave Jabor to zjapan. IG report, CHECK YOUR FACTS. US is Ruled by ZCIA. from Zwwii oss BY zTRUMAN. GEE. KNOW WHATU TALKING ABOUT. KEEP IN UR EYES "MONEY TALKS and buys.
How exactly is Israel supposed to fight terrorist who have no regard for civilians? Especially when no Muslim country wants to help them ?
it wasnt a shooting it was renitence. I'm sure however angry he was he had a "point" or a "justification" Thats how the world feels right now. Then you blame the news for not reporting WHY he did it. They only focus on the wrong that was done to others not the professor with a good mind…. I bet if people on tik tok read his manifesto youd get thousands of people whod support him. thats how the world works. in a world of billions of people there is always a fraction of that billion that hears something that resonates with them and then jump to support that regardless of the results and consequences.
He couldnt get a job but Chinese sure have no problem. Joe Biden is a china employee so we'll see more of this im sure.
Bet they will think twice before letting terrorists dig under them. They new and turned a blind eye. Cant let them govern gaza. They've shown themselves incapable.
Why did biden take iran off the terrorist list is what Americans need answers for!!
And gave them millions ๐ ๐
Connect the dots people
5 people cycle cross women's race is not competitive . This is not competitive cycling . Talk about track and field , wrestling , road and track cycling , soccer . New York times ran a great article in the summer of 2015 about caster semenya , Olympics gold metal and born with natural high testosterone levels.
Blinking is a communist working for China and China Joe.
Why isnโt the news media giving Vivek the win against Nikki Haley like they did Nikki when she had a very high moment against Vivek? Where are the videos over and over and over again showing what he said and showing her looking like a deer in headlights?
If those who are arguing against trans women in women sports win does that mean women are inferior physically to men? And if so should they be allowed to work in fields that require physical strength like firefighting or construction?
SICK & TIRED of Delusional Negative Dominating Creepy MEN deciding about WOMANS HEALTH CARE NEEDS AND BODIES!!!!!!!!!!
When you elect a fraud as POTUS, you can expect fraudulent answers. That's why they're called frauds, they lie all the time.
I think there needs to be safe rooms with phones and computers.
We do not have a Democracy right now! Trump has done nothing wrong but expose the truth of our corrupt federal administrations and media wake UP!
Why Files
Yeah cause she really won ๐
Why would that COWARD thug attack that man who did nothing to him, and leave the baby like that.
Wth is wrong with the Caucasian people?
WOWWWW and black men were accused of those attacks, which wasn't true.
America is a sad place…
If she thinks it fair then get rid of gender and let boys and girl compete together. You will never see a women get on the podium. You will see less women compete because they can't win. And that will put women into their place as barefoot and pregnant housewives!